The Mohos Bog
to the existence of some rare floral species, the bog has been declared to be a
natural monument. It is situated in the south-eastern part of the Csomad volcanic mountain, in the Mohos
carter, which is the twin to the crater of the Saint
Anna Lake. The
bog has a surface of 80 hectares and it is situated at an altitude of 1050 m
above sea level, 100 meters higher than the level of the lake. The thickness of
the moor is of 10 metres and a volume of 3 million cubic measures.
bog is famous for the rare plants which you can find here. On the bark carpet
you can find bushes of Andromeda polifolia, of
cranberries (Vaccinium Axycoccos),
three species of insectivore plants. The rare dwarf pines (Pinus
silvestris) add to the picturesque environment.